Friday, 10 August 2012

August Jamboree meeting - 507 days to go

We joined the Beckenham and St Martins scouts for an information evening re the 2013/14 NZ Scout Jamboree, on the 6th August. 

It was for scouts, older cubs and parents at the St Martins den. Once every 3 years the NZ Scout Jamboree is held. This is the highlight for any Scout and not to be missed. The Jamboree runs for about 8 days and starts about 29^th Dec . It involves about 5000 Scouts. Its normally held in Hamilton, (Mystery Creek), Fielding (near Palmerston North) or Christchurch (AMP Show Grounds). The last Jamboree was held at Mystery Creek in 2010. *The 2013 Jamboree will be held in Fielding - the dates are 28 December 2013 - 5 January 2014.* The meeting included: - Introduction (what a Jamboree is etc) - Photos & Video from the last Jamboree (Mystery Creek 2010) - Info on the next Jamboree (Fielding 2013) - Organisation - Fundraising - Questions The St Martins Scouts do a joint troop with the Cashmere Scouts. This time the Beckenham Scouts have decided to join too.

1 comment:

  1. beckenham (christchurch) went with rollesten and i went with both groups from australia
