Hi all,
During term 3 we will set a night aside to discuss the upcoming Jamboree.
I will propose that we once again join with Cashmere for this Jamboree and Beckenham if they wish.
Start thinking and talking about this so we can get fundraising and planning underway:
Exciting times! 20th NZ Jamboree 2013/2014 will be held at Manfeild Park in Feilding, Lower North Island Region.
Opening 28 December 2013 and closing 5 January 2014.
So what do we need to do to prepare?
Some of the Scouts in your Troop may have been to the last Jamboree at Mystery Creek. Utilise them, with some local Venturers (older Scouts at previous
Jamborees), to prepare a fun ‘advertisement’ of what a Jamboree is like and what the younger Scouts in your Troop can look forward to.
Arrange for the parents to come along too, so they can all be involved in the Jamboree preparation (and here’s where you sign them up for fundraising support).
Tell them about packing the gear, travelling to the Jamboree site, unpacking the gear, setting up your very own slice of tent city, the badge swapping, the daily
routine of activities – onsite and offsite, details of the activities, duty patrol, Challenge Valley, evening activities, the food, the Jamboree site, your sub camp, the
Opening and Closing ceremonies, meeting/hosting International Scouts, packing down your site, travelling home, touring if you chose that option, and anything else
you can think of.
Use the Jamboree DVD, your own photos, campfire blankets, badges, activity shirts as promotional information.
Ask your Zone Scout Leader for any other information.
Then, in your Patrols (Patrol Council) with some chart paper and marker pens, list all the skills your patrol will need to have BEFORE you go to Jamboree.
The list may include (but not limited to) tent pitching - and making sure all the right poles and pegs are with the right tent, cooking skills – and making your meals
interesting and presentable, packing day packs, hygiene at camp – taking care of yourself and each other, dehydration and sunburn – how to avoid both, keeping
your tent tidy so you can find your gear, cleaning – dishes and also handwashing your own clothes, taking the right personal gear and Troop gear, safety in camp,
time management skills – how to ensure you don’t miss the bus to your next activity, gateway/fences/flagpole, buddy system, pioneering, and the list goes on.
Regards and thankyou,
Brian Hobbs,
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