Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Jamboree2011 by Kaukapakapa.waitoru


678 days to go

These are some of the gateways.  If you look through these images you will see the Quarter Masters store.  It shows the amount of food consumed in just one day.  

Below is an inspiring speech from Mark Ingles at the opening ceremony.http://jamboree2011.kaukapakapa.waitoru.org/videos/20101229

This group also had footage of all the groups coming out of the gateway.  It gives you an idea of the size of a jamboree.
http://jamboree2011.kaukapakapa.waitoru.org/videos/20110106 They took a photo of our gateway too.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Jamboree: December 28 2007- January 5 2008

Alex Gabites,  Zander Latimer, Rory Northway, Sam Seelen-Smith &
Finn Seelen-Smith
 Day one:      Arrive at Jamboree and set up.
Day two:      Wainui.-Up at 7am. Return at 6pm
                   (Archery, kayaking, raft making and high wire challenge)
Day three:   Rover Extreme and Centennial Highway
                   (Mudslide, mud activities, water slide, high wire and misty maze)
Day four:     Blue Skies
                   (Orienteering, Gang Show and Carbon Footprint)
Day five:      The Square, Orana Park & Antarctic Centre
Day six:       Open Day & Cub Day
Day seven:   Create, Carry & Crusade
                   (Made a photo frame and did pioneering (building catapults and
using water guns)
Day eight:    Create & Carry and Ignition
                   (Made a bag and then, Diggers, scooters, quad bikes & roller
Day nine:      Create & Carry and On Target
(Made a stone carving and then, shooting, axe throwing, water dunking, huge catapult aimed at an old car)
Day ten:       GO HOME!!

Other groups went to Pigeon Bay, Orton Bradley, Did Paint ball, Ferrymead, The Gondola, Castle Hill and Cave Stream, Hydro sliding.... 

Thanks Sylvia for letting me look at Sam's scrapbook.  It is a real treasure!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

This page has been created to encourage older cubs and all the scouts at Cashmere Scout Group to attend The jamboree that will be held in the summer of 2013-2014. You have to be 11 or older to attend.

For the past 2 jamborees we have been going along with The St Martin's scout Group. Here is a link with photos from the Jamboree that was held in the summer of 2010-2011. http://smartscouts.co.nz/index.php?page=jamboree

As time goes on I will be adding more photos, videos and information.

Rose Northway remembers from past experience that fundraising needs to start early if you want to find a way to make it more affordable for your family. She has kindly organised a sausage sizzle at Barrington on Saturday 24 March. It is 2 weeks after our group sausage sizzle so let's rise to the challenge.

She has made up a chart to record who has helped with what so that we can divide the money raised up fairly amongst those that helped. She has also found a building society that adds funds to your funds account. This is all in infancy stage but we have to start somewhere. Steve the St Martin's scout leader estimated that transport and jamboree costs would be about $1500 per youth.

It is a lot of money but it is a life experience. The youth not only experience the activities that are scheduled through the 9 day event, they also experience skills of independence. It teaches youth the importance of tidiness, team work even when under stress and other survival skills. Shorter camps teach youth this to a small degree but this really does. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6DDRZS3Ssk Is the promotional video used by Scouting. 
 You will notice it was taken at the jamboree that was in Christchurch summer of 2007-2008.